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Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Laboratory

Frequently Asked Questions

Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Prof. Faith A. Morrison
Prof. Tomas B. Co

Question:  The data ARE shown in Table 1. . .  In report writing, is the word 'data' strictly a plural noun?  I've been told before that I could say either 'The data was bad' or 'The data were bad.'  I've seen both forms accepted in different situations.

Dr. Morrison Answers:  The dictionary says both are accepted.  I am asking you to use the plural for reports to me.  You may use either in reports to other people.
Historically, the plural was the first usage, but as you note in your email, the singular usage has become common.  Language is always changing, so we all have to learn to adapt.  In your case, your supervisor (me) is asking you to use the plural, so you should use the plural in reports to me.  I'm not "taking points off" for it, but I am noting it on the reports as I grade them.

Question:  Why is zero pressure not the lowest pressure you can measure on the DP meter?  Answer

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