Due: May 2, 2001

(corrected April 25, 1:30 pm)

( Maximum bonus of 20 pts to an exam )
  1. Comparison of Euler and Runge-Kutta method.
Consider the process described by:

  1. Solve this equation analytically for x(t)
  2. Using Runge Kutta method, obtain x(t) using Dt=0.01 from t=0 to t=3
  3. Plot the results from part a and part b then compare the results.
2. Simulation of Nonlinear Process (Multiple Steady State)

A non-isothermal CSTR process is described by the following differential equations:

The parameters of the process were determined to be:

H = 2500
E/R = 4000
  1. Using RK4 (click here to download zip file of RK4 addin and manual), obtain the time plots of C and T, using initial concentration C(0)=0.1 and intial temperature T(0)=410. Describe what happens if we change the initial temperature to T(0)=411 with C(0)=0.1. ( Use dt=0.01 to simulate from t=0 to t=10 )
  2. There should be another steady state: Tss=238.7 and Css=0.642, which is unstable. Simulate the process by initializing the process around this middle steady state.